25 JUL 2011 by ideonexus

 Focus on Common Things

And first, for those things which seem common. Let men bear in mind that hitherto they have been accustomed to do no more than refer and adapt the causes of things which rarely happen to such as happen frequently, while of those which happen frequently they never ask the cause, but take them as they are for granted. And therefore they do not investigate the causes of weight, of the rotation of heavenly bodies, of heat, cold, light, hardness, softness, rarity, density, liquidity, solidity, ani...
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We overlook the common in scientific inquiry, but it is in the common occurrences that the laws of nature are to be found.

29 MAY 2011 by ideonexus

 Recognition of Ignorance is a Prerequisite for Science

Only when a few curious people said "I don't know" did science begin. Recognition of our ignorance is a prerequisite of scientific discovery.
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We have to acknowledge that we don't know.

19 APR 2011 by ideonexus

 It Wasn't the Apple that Newton Used to Discover Gravity

Science finds order and meaning in our experience, and sets about this in quite a different way. It sets about it as New¬ ton did in the story which he himself told in his old age, and of which the schoolbooks give only a caricature. In the year 1665, when Newton was twenty-two, the plague broke out in southern England, and the University of Camb] idge was closed. Newton therefore spent the next eighteen months at home, removed from traditional learning, at a time when he was impatient for kn...
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Gravity was already known, Newton's vision was extending the force of gravity up to the Moon.